Come and visit our learning inspired facility!
- open year-round
- 10,000+ square foot facility
- 11+ classrooms, intercom in each
- 14 cameras, one in every classroom, lobby, and outdoor area
- multipurpose/gross motor skill room offering 24' x 33' of fun
- skylights vibrantly brighten indoor garden-lined hallways
- 4 separately enclosed outdoor playground areas
- outside doors locked at all times
- security keypad device access
- weekly registered nurse visits
- 100% NUT-FREE center
Staff Training
- CPR certified
- EpiPen certified
- First Aid (infant and adult)
- Medication administration
Staff to Child Ratio
- Under 3 years of age: 1 teacher to 4 children (not to exceed 8)
- Over 3 years of age: 1 teacher to 10 children (not exceeding 20)